
  1. Ancient
  2. Classical
  3. Medieval
  4. Renaissance
  5. Industrial
  6. Modern
  7. Future

種類   Name 強さ 射程攻撃 射程 移動 production 必要技術 必要資源 特別能力
Gunpowder Anti-Aircraft Gun Anti-Aircraft Gun 32 - 2 2 300 Radio - Can perform aircraft Interceptions and receives a +100% combat bonus to aircraft and Helicopters
Gunpowder Anti-Tank Gun Anti-Tank Gun 32 - - 2 300 Replaceable Parts - Receives a bonus against Tanks.
Siege Artillery Artillery 16 32 3 2 420 Dynamite - Receives a +10% combat bonus versus cities can Indirect Fire performs ranged attacks and must “set up” to attack
Naval Battleship Battleship 60 32 3 4 500 Telegraph Oil Performs ranged attacks and can Indirect Fire
Naval Carrier Carrier 30 - - 5 520 Flight Oil Can carry up to three air units
Naval Destroyer Destroyer 35 22 2 8 380 Electricity - Performs ranged attacks and air Interceptions can see submarines receives a +3 bonus to Sight receives a +100% combat bonus against submarines and can Indirect Fire
Gunpowder Foreign Legion Foreign Legion 36 - - 2 300 Replaceable Parts - France it receives a +20% combat bonus when fighting outside friendly territory
Air Fighter Fighter - 50 8 - 420 Flight Oil Can Intercept other units perform Air Sweeps and Recons,and receives a combat bonus versus Helicopters
Gunpowder Infantry Infantry 36 - - 2 300 Replaceable Parts - -
Naval Ironclad Ironclad 35 18 2 4 220 Steam Power Coal Performs ranged attacks
Archery Panzer Panzer 60 - - 5 450 Combustion Oil Germany it can move after performing an attack
Naval Submarine Submarine 25 60 3 5 380 Refrigeration Oil Is invisible to other units can see other submarines can enter ice tiles can enter rival territory and performs ranged attacks
Archery Tank Tank 50 - - 4 450 Combustion Oil Can move after performing an attack
Air Zero Zero - 50 8 - 420 Flight Oil Japan it can Intercept other units,perform Air Sweeps and Recons and receives a combat bonus versus Helicopters and Fighters.
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